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SmartSignal Admin Training Bundle (OL)  

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Cost: $500.00 USD

Course Description

The SmartSignal Admin Training is a bundle that  teaches users how to Administer the SmartSignal  software suite. This training includes training on:  Connection Center, Core Center, Fleet Buildout  Tool, Transfer Center, Gatekeeper, and  Infrastructure.  This course can be taken by any person that is  responsible for the Administration and IT  configuration/maintenance for the SmartSignal  software. This course is also applicable for  Implementation engineers as well as other roles  that have interest in learning more about the  Admin functions of SmartSignal.
This course can be taken by any person that is  responsible for the Administration and IT  configuration/maintenance for the SmartSignal  software. This course is also applicable for  Implementation engineers as well as other roles  that have interest in learning more about the  Admin functions of SmartSignal.
What topics will be covered  in this course?
  • User Provisioning
  • Transfer Center
  • Connecting Data
  • Fleet Buildout Tool
  • System Health
  • SmartSignal Infrastructure