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5054 APM Predictive Analytics - SmartSignal Modeling (OL)   

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Cost: $500.00 USD

Course Description

In APM Predictive Analytics –SmartSignal Modeling, learn how the SmartSignal algorithm is used to create data predictions as well as how analytics are configured to give you more accurate data predictions. The series of videos in this online course provide you with background knowledge of the predictive capabilities of APM and how to build effective analytics that work.
This course is intended for users interested in learning more about SmartSignal predictive capabilities as part of APM Reliability Management.
When you complete this course, you will be able to:
  • Explain how monitoring is done in APM for SmartSignal Analytics 
  • Explain how estimates are generated
  • Understand the theory behind SmartSignal sourced alerts in APM
  • Explain the general theory for SmartSignal modeling, estimate generation, and advisories