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60001 Predix APM Basic Enablement Video Course (OL)   

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Cost: $1,000.00 USD

Course Description

The Predix APM Basic Enablement Video course is designed to provide the student with a good working knowledge of the basic functions of Predix APM with short -form How-To eLearning modules. Topics include managing alerts, gathering information from analysis, using and configuring dashboards, configuring assets, and using and managing cases.
This course is designed for users seeking quick demonstration of how to use the APM software to supplement more in-depth courses.
When you complete this course, you will be able to:
  • Configure Assets and Asset Tags in APM so that timeseries data can be ingested and analytics can be run on assets
  • Manage alerts in APM by understanding the Alert Management workflow and identifying how to action and investigate an alert in APM
  • Conduct thorough analytical investigations using the Analysis module to dive deep into the data and view charts based on time series data
  • Continue the investigation by turning Alerts into Cases and documenting the findings in a searchable format
  • Configure dashboards so that key data points and metrics are easily viewable from one location in APM