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4704 APM Connect Administration (OL)  

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Cost: $400.00 USD

Course Description

APM Connect (APMC) provides access to data that exists in data stores, systems, and applications throughout the enterprise. It is built upon the premise that you are using an external Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) system to store Assets, Locations, and Work Histories. To analyze this data, you must first extract it from the EAM system and transfer it to GE Digital APM. Numerous adapters are used to extract data or push it into other sources in the data ecosystem. The EAM Adapter transfers data from an EAM system to GE Digital APM, and is the focus of this course. 
Administrators who perform ongoing administration of APMC, by deploying jobs, scheduling and running them, and reviewing log files.
When you complete this course, you will be able to:
APM Connect (APMC) is GE Digital’s privately-labeled version of Talend Studio for Data Integration. It is used to extract Asset, Location, and Work History data from an EAM System and transfer it to GE Digital APM, where it can be analyzed.