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4002 APM v3.6 - v4.3 Differential Overview (OL)   

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Course Description

This introductory video course consists of a series of videos highlighting the differences between the navigation and features of v3.6 and v4.3 APM Foundation as well as selected functional software modules.
This class is designed for:
  • End Users
  • Analysts
  • Analytics Engineers
  • Reliability Engineers
When you complete this course, you will be able to:
  • Differences in general navigation between the Meridium v3.6 product and GE APM 4.3/Unified 1.0.
  • Differences accessing and using Foundation tools between Meridium v3.6 and GE APM 4.3/Unified 1.0.
  • Differences between navigating and using Metrics and Scorecards from v3.6 to v4.3/Unified 1.0.
  • Differences between navigating and using Asset Strategy Management from v3.6 to v4.3/Unified 1.0.
  • Differences between navigating and using Policy Designer from v3.6 to v4.3 from v3.6 to v4.3/Unified.
  • Differences between navigating and using Reliability Centered Maintenance from v3.6 to v4.3/Unified 1.0.
  • Differences between navigating and using Rounds Designer between v3.6 and v4.3/Unified 1.0