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4305 Compliance Management (OL)  

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Cost: $200.00 USD

Course Description


Depending on your geographical location, regulatory bodies and industry authorities have different standards for inspections on various pieces of equipment. Many dictate when and how often equipment should be inspected. To integrate these requirements with GE Digital APM, you can use the Compliance Management module to track when your equipment should be inspected to comply with these standards. Compliance Management functionality is fully integrated with Inspection Management to allow you to manage reoccurring Inspection Tasks. This online learning class allows you to see the Compliance Management module in action and the accompanying documentation tells you how to set up the module in your APM tenant.


This course is designed for:

  • End Users
  • Functional Consultants - Integrity

When you complete this course, you will be able to:

  • Navigate the Compliance Management functionality within the Inspection Management module in APM
  • Explain the different Compliance Management workflows
  • Determine which inspection plans are the best match to your organization
  • Manage inspection plans within the software