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Operations Hub 2023 Basics, Self-directed 1: Getting Started  

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Cost: $500.00 USD

Course Description


Welcome! This is the first course of the Proficy Operations Hub self-directed basics series. It covers everything you need to get started with Proficy Operations Hub self-paced training.  The Operations Hub on-demand series includes video and proactive activities.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Check for product pre-requisites.
  • Register and download the installation media.
  • Install of the common components.
  • Configure the Proficy Hub Operations Hub plug-in.
  • Setup Proficy Authenication.
  • Install Proficy Operations Hub.
  • Navigate the Proficy Operations Hub (Classic) environment.
  • Navigate the Configurations Hub designer.
  • Register and download  the Proficy Historian software to compliment Proficy Operations Hub.
  • Install the Proficy Historian.

Level: Introductory
Course Time: 36 minutes
Activity Time: 75 minutes
Knowledge Checks: 1