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Operations Hub 2023 Basics, Self-directed 2: Developer Skills  

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Course Description


Welcome! This is the second course of the Proficy Operations Hub self-directed basics series. This course covers an introduction to the design environment and the core skills needed to create an Operations Hub application.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Create an application and pages.
  • Understand the components of building a page including grids, cards, data, and widgets.
  • Use entities and queries to store and manage data.
  • Create an app using entity data.
  • Add a theme to Proficy Operation Hub.
  • Use queries in apps to retrieve and manage data in Entities.
  • Use the Trace Option
  • Explore Image Control, List View, Text Display, Text Area, Text Input, Toggle and Line Char widgets.

Level: Introductory
Course Time: 38 minutes
Activity Time: 75 minutes
Knowledge Checks: 1