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Historian 2023 Basics, Self-directed 2: Storage  

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Course Description


Welcome to Proficy Historian 2023 Basics, Self-directed: Storage. This is the second course in the Historian Basics series. This course will review how Proficy Historian manages its storage destinations, how to configure your own data store and its archives, plus how-to manage a backup plan.

By the end of this course, you will be able to...

  • Understand the requirement for different data storage destinations.
  • Add and configure your own data store.
  • Add archives into your own data store.
  • Configure and schedule a backup plan using Proficy Historian.
  • Configure and schedule an alternate backup plan using Windows Shadow Copy.

Level: Introductory

Course Time: 60 minutes

Activity Time: 60 minutes

Knowledge Checks: 1