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Historian 2023 Basics, Self-directed 4: Analysis  

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Course Description


Welcome! The Historian Basics Self-directed - Analysis course is the fourth course in the basics series. This course will show you how to extract and present data from Proficy Historian using a variety of client interfaces.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  •  Understand factors affecting data retrieval.
  • Use and configure the data panel in Configuration Hub.
  • Understand the basics of the Historian REST APIs.
  • Use the Excel Add-In as a client and an administrator *.
  • Use the OLE DB Provider with a simple client tool.
  • Access Historian in MS SQL Server using OLE DB.
  • Understand the Alarm Client tools.
  • Access Historian troubleshooting resources.

*Requires a Microsoft Office License (optional topic).

Level: Introductory

Course Time: 110 minutes

Activity Time: 110 minutes

Knowledge Checks: 1