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iFIX VBA Self-directed 2: iFIX VBA  

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Course Description


Welcome to this iFIX VBA Self-Directed Course. Proficy iFIX uses Microsoft VBA to augment its HMI interface and execute Schedules. In this iFIX VBA course we will look at some iFIX specific VBA and use both the iFIX Workspace and the Scheduler to run the VBA code. This is the second course in the iFIX VBA series covering iFIX orientated topics. By the end of this course, you will be familiarized with the iFIX VBA topics of:


  • VBA and iFIX Objects
  • Code Location
  • iFIX Automation Interface Help
  • Accessing the Process Database
  • Using VBA visible and non visible objects in an iFIX HMI
  • Interacting with ActiveX Controls in VBA
  • Using Time and Event Based Schedules
  • Custom VBA Schedule actions


Level: Advanced

Course Time: 120 minutes

Activity Time: 120 minutes

Knowledge Checks: 2