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100012 How-To Collection: Applications Menu  

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Cost: $100.00 USD

Course Description

Basic | No More than 15 Minutes | Learning Collection | Self-Paced | APM Tools | Cloud APM, On-Premises APM V5.X

The Applications menu is the access point for all your APM modules, tools, and administrative features, and provides several capabilities depending on your preferences. Please note that the items you have access to from this menu will depend on licensing, platform, and your user permissions. This How-To Collection for the Applications menu covers the following tasks:

  • Accessing the Applications Menu
  • Searching the Applications Menu
  • Removing a Search from the Applications Menu
  • Expanding a Section from the Applications Menu
  • Collapsing a Section from the Applications Menu
  • Expanding All in the Applications Menu
  • Collapsing All in the Applications Menu
  • Favoriting an Item in the Applications Menu
  • Unfavoriting an Item in the Applications Menu
  • Showing Alphabetical View in the Applications Menu
  • Showing Folder View in the Applications Menu
  • Opening an Item from the Applications Menu
  • Closing the Applications Menu

By the end of this course, you will be able to locate and use the Applications menu, including all the capabilities it provides. 

Applicable Roles: Everyone