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APM Strategy - Instructor-Led Training: 4007 Asset Criticality Analysis (ACA)


Location :  Wait List

Start Date
End DateStatus
Wait List01-Jan-203031-Dec-2030

Course Description

4007 Asset Criticality Analysis (ACA)


In this interactive, hands-on course, you will learn how to use the Asset Criticality Analysis (ACA) module to determine which of your systems, locations, and pieces of equipment are critical. You will learn how to build an ACA. You will learn how to assess the criticality of assets using the Risk Matrix assessment method, and how to approve an ACA. You will also learn how to enable the Criticality Checklist assessment method for a Site and use the baseline checklist to assess criticality. Additionally, you will learn how to send assets in ACA to other APM modules to further analyze and safeguard them.

Who should take this course?

4007 Asset Criticality Analysis (ACA) is designed for Analysts, Reliability Engineers, and anyone interested in learning how to assess the criticality of your systems and assets.

Are there any pre-requisites?

4000 APM Foundation is recommended.

When you complete this course, you will be able to:

  • Access the ACA Overview page.
  • Create an Asset Criticality Analysis record.
  • Create an ACA Team.
  • Link Reference Documents to an ACA record.
  • Assign assets to an ACA.
  • Assess criticality using the Risk Matrix.
  • Apply a criticality assessment to an asset.
  • Bulk assess criticality.
  • Clear a criticality assessment.
  • Add a recommendation for an ACA.
  • Approve an ACA.
  • View a criticality revision history.
  • Configure ACA to use the Criticality Checklist.
  • Assess criticality using the baseline Criticality Checklist.
  • Use the ACA Send To feature.


  • 4 hours

Delivery Format

  • Instructor-led Classroom
  • Virtual Classroom
  • Onsite