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APM Administration - Instructor-Led Training: 5066 APM Timeseries Ingestion (OE)

There are currently no Courses Scheduled for 5066 APM Timeseries Ingestion (OE) .

Course Description

5066 APM Timeseries Ingestion


The Predix APM Timeseries Ingestion is designed to provide the student with the knowledge required for creating and ingesting Tag and Timeseries Data into an APM tenant.


This class is designed for:

  • This course is designed for GE Digital Implementation Services Staff, GE Business Units, Partners and OEMs.



  • 4063 Predix APM Asset Ingestion is required for this class

When you complete this course, you will be able to:

  • Understanding how to prepare the files necessary for tag and timeseries ingestion.
  • Understanding how tag mapping plays into the asset and data connectivity in APM.
  • Ingesting tag and timeseries data in the APM tenant.
  • Verify successful ingestion using the Predix Essentials / APM User Interface.
  • Understanding how to configure MEH assets.
  • Validating timeseries ingestion.


  • 4 hours

Delivery Format

  • Instructor-led (ILT)classroom
  • distance learning (DL)