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APM Integrity - Instructor-Led Training: 7050 RBI 581 Methodology


Location :  Wait List

Start Date
End DateStatus
Wait List03-Dec-203003-Dec-2030

Course Description

Basic | 16 Hours | Course | Instructor-Led | APM Integrity | Software Agnostic

This course is designed to provide the learner with an understanding and knowledge of quantitative procedures for establishing an inspection program using risk-based methods for pressurized fixed equipment including pressure vessels, piping, tankage, pressure relief devices (PRDs), and heat exchanger tube bundles. The intent of this course is to introduce these principles and present minimum general guidelines for risk-based inspection (RBI), and to provide quantitative calculation methods to determine an inspection program.



Keywords: Mechanical Integrity, Methodology, API, Probability, Consequence, Failure

Applicable Roles: Integrity Engineer, Reliability Engineer - Mechanical Integrity