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Tracker Learning Track: Tracker Fundamentals

There are currently no Courses Scheduled for Tracker Fundamentals.

Course Description

The Tracker Fundamentals course is an advanced level course focusing on the fundamental aspects of Tracker applications. Tracking concepts and configuration of Routing Control Objects will be discussed. Hands on exercises provide you with a chance to rapidly build skill and experience with the product.

Who should attend?

This course is designed for Application Designers, Process Engineers and System Managers.

Are there any prerequisites?

Participants should have a working knowledge of Windows operating systems and a solid understanding of the Proficy HMI/SCADA - CIMPLICITY application, including the Basic Control Engine, Logging, and Alarming.
It is strongly recommended that the Proficy HMI/SCADA - CIMPLICITY Fundamentals course be completed prior to attending this course.

Course Objectives:

• Describe to the concepts of tracker and understand fundamental rules and assumptions.
• Create, configure and implement a Tracker Model.
• Use the Import/Export Utility.
• State and use the different methods of decision control/routing.
• Apply the RCO method by configuring a simple and advanced RCO.
• Apply useful tools such as Logging and Alarming to Tracker.