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APM Administration - Instructor-Led Training: 4006 Metrics and Scorecards - Administration


Location :  Wait List

Start Date
End DateStatus
Wait List25-Dec-203025-Dec-2030

Course Description

4006 Metrics and Scorecards - Administration


In this one-day course, you will gain the knowledge and skills needed to configure and use Metrics tools to deliver Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) across your enterprise. You will learn how to build and utilize Metric Cubes to track your organization’s Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). You will define Measures and build Dimensions and Calculations. You will learn how to build Metric Views to display selected Metric Cube data. You will learn how to build new KPIs and set Target, Stretch and Critical values for KPI Measures. Additionally, you will build Scorecards that graphically depict the current status of organizational objectives. You will also learn how to grant security privileges that will allow selected users to view and work with Metric Cubes, Metric Views, KPIs and Scorecards.


This class is designed for:

  • APM Administrators
  • APM Implementation Engineers



  • 4001 APM Administration
  • 4005 Metrics and Scorecards

When you complete this course, you will be able to:

  • Build and Maintain Metric Cubes
  • Build Metric Views
  • Build KPIs
  • Manage Scorecards Metrics Security Administration
  • Assign and manage privileges for Metrics Families, Scorecards, and Metric Views


  • 8 hours

Delivery Format

  • Instructor-led Classroom
  • Virtual Classroom
  • Onsite